Urban Agriculture, Why Not?

Urban agriculture is the practice of agriculture developed within the boundaries of the cities (in parks, gardens, berms of avenues, roofs of houses, etc.) Or its peripheries, in areas where new housing estates or population centers are being built, in this case you can see small fields next to houses, which are the remains of the large agricultural areas that for decades supplied the markets of the cities.
This agriculture arises as a response to food security in cities which have a population that increases every day and the reduction of the agricultural areas of the peripheries of these; This growth will result in a shortage of foodstuffs for the population at some point, why promote their development; In addition, seeks to make this agriculture ecological to counter environmental pollution and be a source of healthy products.

urban agricultureThe limitation on the development of this agriculture originated in the excessive growth of the cities that produces a reduction in free areas which can be used for urban agriculture, especially in the central districts where stands out the construction of buildings and the widening of tracks to improve vehicular traffic; in response the crop is being promoted in pots which can be placed on roofs, balconies and even between the stairs.

Urban agriculture also includes breeding animals, since they form part of the system of agricultural production since they provide fertilizers for growing plants and feed on the remains of plants. Even flocks of goats or sheep heading on the road to already harvested fields to graze the leftovers and also pay the soil with their manure can be found on the outskirts of the cities. Within the cities due to lack of space are bred only animals under as chickens, ducks, rabbits, Guinea pigs, etc., The main limiting its expansion apart from space are strong odors of breeding causing conflicts with neighbors and forcing to abandon this activity.

The purpose of urban agriculture

The purpose of this urban agriculture is the of producing food for subsistence and if leftovers are sold, therefore it is promoted as a source of fresh and healthy food. Much of its development is that it constitutes a hobby in free moments; We noted that adult women and elders are persons who are more engaged in this activity.

We can develops urban agriculture in small spaces (gardens, parks, berms) and if there is no space is used pots, which have the advantage of being mobile and can be placed on windows or roofs with what space can be won.

Major crops are vegetables from pan to carry (radish, spinach, lettuce, etc.), due to its short cultivation period and its small size. Bread vegetables are grown in the outlying areas which carry the full sold in the city's wholesale markets, however eventually they will disappear as part of the planning process.

If we have animals that are easy to breed such as the guinea pigs, chickens, rabbits and ducks, (due to their small size and easy construction of their cages in courtyards or rooftops). we can have more benefits from these animals. Because they can fed the plants with the remains of their manure, and reducing the amount of organic waste.

With urban agriculture we can obtain fresh products and with more nutrients, compared with vegetables that are sold in markets which are dehydrated, damaged, and washed with dirty water.